Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering

Greenfield Deployments

Streamlined Data Platforms

The most robust and economic solutions are those designed with your business needs and technical requirements in mind from the beginning. KPI can deliver end-to-end information infrastructure engineering solutions with the optimal balance of performance, economy, and scalability for your organization.

Availability & Performance Management

Solution focused engineering results in platform designs which meet or exceed business availability and performance goals at all times while working within pre-determined cost envelopes.

Application Hardening

Our greenfield deployments are hardened against risks posed by both human and non-human threats by utilizing best practice information security controls and self-healing high-availability platform management technologies.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Management

Can your in-house team respond to a major production systems effecting disaster in time to stop a customer exodus?

Arm your organization with robust a robust BC/DR capability through the use of effective procedure, warm recovery sites or hot multi-site configurations and a contracted response team. Together these assure business continuity in the case of a service-impacting emergency while recovering production systems to fully nominal status.

Standard Operation Procedure Development

By auditing your business workflows and documenting common scenarios KPI can deliver detailed SOPs which encompass the most frequent preventative maintenance and incident response scenarios, this allows predictable business outcomes and a scalable workforce.